Cancer prevention back in the news

At the recent American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) meeting in Chicago, the idea of preventing the progression of high-risk smoldering multiple myeloma to active myeloma using lenalidomide was a topic of active discussion. In this study that was presented at ASCO, the onset of active disease was clearly delayed. But is this “prevention” of myeloma? 

Prevention and the Search for a Cure Go Hand-in-Hand

Patients with active myeloma need the best treatment and, understandably, they are keenly interested in the search for a cure. But to prevent myeloma in the first place, we need a deep understanding of the disease. This understanding will lead to a world without myeloma by accelerating true disease eradication or cure. 

Why the IMWG Summit Is So Important

The 10th Annual International Myeloma Working Group (IMWG) Summit convenes in Amsterdam on June 10-12, 2019. Each year, the Summit hosts the top 100 or so myeloma researchers from around the world to focus on the major questions on the path to better therapies for myeloma and to find a cure. Researchers divide into work groups that develop actions plans for needed research and/or development of guidelines or recommendations. 

ASCO 2019 Abstracts Released: The Myeloma Top 10 

The 2019 American Society of Hematology (ASCO) Annual Meeting in Chicago is fast approaching (May 31-June 4). Out of a total of 4,950 abstracts released Wednesday, May 15, 210 are myeloma related. As usual, there is one oral session on Sunday, June 1 from 9:45 am -12:45 pm, which includes the top eight oral abstracts (numbers 8000 through 8007). I will review these, plus a couple of poster presentations that are worthy of mention (#8015 and #8023) to give my initial Top 10 Abstracts for ASCO 2019.
