With great sorrow we announce the passing of Aldo Del Col, M.S.M., Co-Founder of Myeloma Canada and International Myeloma Foundation Board of Directors Member.
Aldo was an incredible human being who lived a full life with myeloma for 17 years. He believed deeply in the IMF’s mantra, “Knowledge Is Power,” and never missed an opportunity to speak up openly on behalf of the myeloma community, especially as a mobilizing force for all things myeloma in Canada.
Susie Durie, IMF President and fellow board member, has expressed her own deep sadness at Aldo’s passing in a condolence to Myeloma Canada members: “We are so, so sorry, and do not know the right words to express how shocked and sad we are at the loss of such a dear friend . This leaves a huge hole in our hearts.”
This sentiment is echoed by us all.
For the IMF and the global myeloma community, Aldo was a true champion. As a member of the IMF Board of Directors he was an invaluable source of guidance, support, and wise counsel. Through his years of service, Aldo became a loved and dear friend of his fellow board members and will be sorely missed.
Aldo’s passion was science, and he always wanted to enhance myeloma research, both within IMF programs, such as the Black Swan Research Initiative, as well as creating a whole new research initiative within Myeloma Canada modeled after the IMF’s International Myeloma Working Group program. Now, after Herculean efforts on Aldo’s part, myeloma research in Canada is moving forward with strength and purpose. Myeloma Canada meets annually at the time of the American Society of Hematology Meeting under the auspices of the IMF, a reflection of the mutual ongoing input and collaborations.
An important and insightful member of the IMF Global Myeloma Action Network (GMAN), Aldo generously shared patient advocacy strategies he had developed in Canada with support groups leaders from around the world.
In 2018, Aldo received the Meritorious Service Medal (MSM) for outstanding contributions to the myeloma community, presented by the Governor General of Canada Julie Payette. This prestigious honor and other illuminating details of Aldo’s life and work are beautifully summarized in this tribute from Myeloma Canada.
Aldo inspired everyone around him. His loss is tragic and profoundly sad, reminding us all that the hard work towards achieving a cure must continue with renewed vigor!
His legacy will continue to resonate with patient advocates and researchers on the path to the very best outcomes for myeloma patients everywhere.
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