Why the IMWG Summit Is So Important

The 10th Annual International Myeloma Working Group (IMWG) Summit convenes in Amsterdam on June 10-12, 2019. Each year, the Summit hosts the top 100 or so myeloma researchers from around the world to focus on the major questions on the path to better therapies for myeloma and to find a cure. Researchers divide into work groups that develop actions plans for needed research and/or development of guidelines or recommendations. 

The Black Swan Research Initiative® Is the “Myeloma Moonshot”

Vice President Joe Biden’s cancer “moonshot” has been very much in the news since it was made widely public in President Barack Obama’s State of the Union speech earlier this month. Most commentary has been positive – who does not want more money to go for cancer research? Apparently, the National Cancer Institute’s budget will be increased by $260.5 million to a total of $5.21 billion in the recently approved fiscal 2016 budget.

Black Swan Research Initiative® Update

The Black Swan Research Initiative® (BSRI) is on the brink of several key steps forward, I am happy to report.  Great progress has already been made.

What Causes Myeloma? New Study Suggests Random Mutations Are Important

A new study published in Science magazine and reported in the New York Times this week shows that random mutations in normal tissues are more important than previously thought. The study, conducted by Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers Cristian Tomasetti and Bert Vogelstein, did not analyze myeloma, but developed principles that apply broadly for all cancers.

Diagnosing Myeloma Early: New IMWG Guidelines

For some time, members of theInternational Myeloma Working Group (IMWG), the IMF's research division, have been trying to identify and describe a group of patients without 
